T-12: The D-Word. What the word Disruption means to the Grit team. Hint: Yes, he uses the term “Faster Horse”.
Author: Chris Callen
T-13: What is a Beta Pilot?
T-13: What is a Beta Pilot? Grit is interviewing for EIGHT contractors to be the first to implement and test our software.
T-14: The Living Schedule.
T-14: The Living Schedule. Chris explains what Real-Time Updates mean to Grit.
T-15: Grit is Google Maps for Construction Workflows.
T-15: The Google Maps Metaphor. Grit is Google Maps for Construction Workflows. Watch out for traffic. Chris explains a common metaphor we use when describing Grit’s differentiation.
T-16: Deviation from WBS. Grit starts with daily planning.
T-16: Deviation from WBS. Grit starts with daily planning.
T-17: VR Planning Environment. The Virtual Gemba Walk
T-17: VR Planning Environment. The Virtual Gemba Walk Chris explains how our VR environment was built with Foremen in mind.